Official Government Website

Work Groups

Topic Specific and Science Integration Work Groups

The Topic Specific and Science Integration Work Groups are comprised of regional experts, sector leaders, and advisors to address impacts to salmon and steelhead. The current topics that are being addressed include:

The Science Integration Work Group works across all above topics.

The work groups were convened in September-October 2022 and the duration of the Work Groups depends on the topic and direction from the I/RG. 

The Work Groups work on behalf of the I/RG to:

  • Develop draft recommendations for actions, and assist the I/RG in feasibility assessments of those actions, to help achieve goals in consideration of social, cultural, economic and ecological issues;
  • Work collaboratively to clarify and assess subject-specific issues and potential actions and solutions consistent with CBC direction and priorities;
  • Leverage existing data and studies to support their assessments; and
  • Coordinate and collaborate across other Work Groups for complementary analyses and solutions as needed.

Work group meetings are open to observers. If you are interested in attending a work group meeting, contact the following coordinators:

Regular updates will be provided in relevant meetings folders on the Work Group pages.

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