Official Government Website


Foundational Documents

The following documents are foundational for the Columbia Basin Collaborative.

  • The Charter outlines the purpose, operating principles, structure, and participation guidelines for the CBC process.
  • The Process Diagram provides a visual representation of how the various CBC groups interact within the process and coordinate with other external processes and entities.
  • Membership Criteria provides the criteria for Integration/Recommendations Group and Work Group member participation in the CBC.
  • Statement of Purpose describes the vision for the Columbia Basin Collaborative.
  • Four State Agreement was signed by the Governors of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana in October 2020 to work together to develop the CBC.
  • Columbia Basin Partnership Task Force Phase 2 Report describes the quantitative and qualitative goals to rebuild salmon and steelhead stocks in the Columbia Basin.

Additional Background

In 2021, two public organizational workshops were held to support the development of the CBC structure. Workshop materials and recordings are available below.

Columbia Basin Collaborative Organizational Workshop Part 2

Thank you to those who participated at the June 10th, 2021 Columbia Basin Collaborative Organizational Workshop Part 2 held via Zoom Webinar from 12:00pm – 3:00pm PT/ 1:00pm – 4:00pm MT.

Representatives from the four states have considered the input offered at the February 24th, 2021 CBC Workshop Part 1 and have developed a collaborative framework and approach for moving forward. At the June 10th CBC Workshop, the representatives shared information regarding:

  • The CBC process structure including a high-level process diagram and proposed charter
  • Topics to address and seating the various groups and teams
  • Next steps including workflow, timing, and funding

The four state representatives appreciated hearing your input and feedback at the CBC workshop along with learning about how you would like to engage in the process.

Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
YouTube Livestream

To view a recording of the Workshop, please visit this YouTube link:

Columbia Basin Collaborative Organizational Workshop Part 1

Thank you to those who participated at the February 24 2021 Columbia Basin Collaborative Organizational Workshop held via Zoom Webinar from 9:00am – 12:00pm PT/ 10:00am – 1:00pm MT.

Over recent months, representatives from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana have worked with a number of regional partners to develop a proposed purpose, approach, and process design for a Columbia Basin Collaborative. At the CBC Organizational Workshop, the representatives from the four states presented this information and heard participants’ diverse range of perspectives on a variety of topics including:

  • High level presentation of the Statement of Purpose
  • Proposed process approach including potential issues to address, proposed participation, and anticipated work flow
  • Opportunity for input and feedback to the CBC process design efforts
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
YouTube Livestream

To view a recording of the Workshop, please visit this YouTube link:

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