The Integration/Recommendations Group (I/RG) serves as a deliberative body to discuss draft recommendations and feasibility assessments from the Work Groups. The I/RG includes seats for federal agencies with management authority over salmon and steelhead (4), Northwest states (4), Columbia Basin tribes (16) and a set of particular stakeholders (8). Together, these representatives reflect the diverse interests of the Columbia Basin.
The Integration/Recommendations Group:
- Develops agendas for Integration/Recommendations Group Meetings;
- Monitors the overall progress of the CBC in achieving the CBPTF goals and works towards the objectives stated in the charter;
- Reviews recommendations for projects and actions in the region. As topics are brought to the I/RG, it can pass along to implementers as a recommendation or assign to Work Groups to assess, as needed;
- Develops recommendations and feasibility assessments for actions to help achieve goals in consideration of social, cultural, economic and ecological interests;
- Seeks consensus on recommendations;
- Promotes recommendations to decision-makers;
- Provides a clearing-house forum for understanding, promoting and acting on short and long-term opportunities that arise external to the CBC but help fund and advance actions to achieve CBPTF goals and CBC vision;
- Mobilizes and motivates people across the basin to support salmon rebuilding and achieve the CBP goals. This could be accomplished through outreach and education efforts that promote information exchange and success stories; Seek objective scientific review of proposals, when deemed necessary; and
- Engages decision-makers to monitor and follow-up on implementation of recommendations.
The current I/RG Representatives roster is available here.
Upcoming Integration/Recommendations Group Meetings
There are currently no upcoming Integration/Recommendations Group meetings scheduled.
For any specific questions regarding the goals and objectives of the CBC please contact: Mike Edmondson ( (Idaho), Michael Garrity ( (Washington), Jim McKenna ( (Oregon), or Mike Milburn ( (Montana). For any questions on process or logistics please email Liz Mack ( and Samantha Meysohn (
Past Integration/Recommendations Group Meetings
Integration/Recommendations Group Meeting: November 2024
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its third quarter meeting on November 14 and November 15, 2024, in Walla Walla, Washington. I/RG members attended this meeting in-person and virtually. Additional materials will be added here as they become available.
Agenda, Meeting Materials, and Webinar Information
- I/RG Meeting Agenda
- I/RG November 14 Meeting Summary
- I/RG November 15 Meeting Summary
- I/RG Meeting Presentation Slides
- I/RG November 14 Participant List
- I/RG November 15 Participant List
- CBC Funding Sub-group Recommendations for Funding
- CBC Assessment & Trends Proposal
- November 14 Zoom Registration Link
- November 15 Zoom Registration Link
- Supplemental Materials:
Integration/Recommendations Group Meeting: June 2024
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its 2024 second quarter meeting on June 26 and June 27, 2024 in Boise, ID. I/RG members attended this meeting in-person.
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
- I/RG Meeting Agenda
- I/RG Meeting Presentation Slides
- I/RG Meeting June 26 Participant List
- I/RG Meeting June 27 Participant List
- I/RG Meeting June 26 Summary
- I/RG Meeting June 27 Summary
- CBC Charter Sub-group Process Proposal Draft
- CBC Structured Decision Making Sub-group Process Proposal Draft
- CBC Charter Review Sub-group March 5 2024 Meeting Summary
- CBC Charter Review Sub-group March 20 2024 Meeting Summary
- CBC Charter Review Sub-group May 14 2024 Meeting Summary
- CBC Structured Decision Making Sub-group March 6 2024 Meeting Summary
- CBC Structured Decision Making Sub-group April 29 2024 Meeting Summary
Integration/Recommendations Group Meeting: January 2024
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its first quarter meeting on January 23rd and 24th, 2024 in Spokane, WA. I/RG Members attended this meeting in-person.
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
- I/RG Meeting Agenda
- PowerPoint Presentation Slide Deck
- Draft Recommendations
- January 23rd Participant List
- January 24th Participant List
- January 23rd Meeting Summary
- January 24th Meeting Summary
Integration/Recommendation Group SCEE/Public Forum Meeting: June 2023
The Integration/Recommendations Group met on Thursday, June 1st virtually to discuss the SCEE and Public Forum components of the I/RG.
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
Integration/Recommendation Group Meeting: April 2023
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its second quarter meeting on Wednesday, April 19th – Thursday, April 20th in Portland, Oregon. I/RG members attended this meeting in person.
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
- I/RG Meeting Agenda
- PowerPoint Presentation Slide Deck
- Draft Recommendations
- April 19th Meeting Participant List
- April 20th Meeting Participant List
- April 19th Meeting Summary
- April 20th Meeting Summary
Integration/Recommendation Group Meeting: January 2023
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its first quarter meeting on Thursday, January 26, 2023 from 1:00pm-4:00pm PT/2:00pm-5:00pm MT in Portland, Oregon, and on Zoom webinar. This meeting was intended for members of the I/RG and was open to the public in “listen-only” mode.
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
Integration/Recommendation Group Meeting: October 2022
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its third quarter meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, from 12:30pm-5:00pm PT/1:30pm-6:00pm MT in Portland, Oregon, and on Zoom webinar. This meeting was intended for members of the I/RG and was open to the public in “listen-only” mode.
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
Integration/Recommendation Group Meeting: June 2022
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its second quarter meeting on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, from 8:00am-12:30pm PT/9:00am-1:30pm MT via Zoom webinar. This meeting was intended for members of the I/RG and was open to the public in “listen-only” mode.
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
Integration/Recommendation Group Meeting: March 2022
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its first quarter meeting on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, from 8:30am-12:00pm PT/9:30am-1:00pm MT via Zoom webinar. This meeting was intended for members of the I/RG and was open to the public in “listen-only” mode.
Agenda, Materials, and Webinar Meeting Information
Integration/Recommendation Group Kick-off Meeting
The Integration/Recommendations Group held its first meeting on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, from 9am – 2:30pm PT/ 10am – 3:30pm MT via Zoom webinar. This meeting was intended for members of the I/RG and was open to the public, with an opportunity for public comment, feedback, or input. Below please find the meeting materials: