It is essential that salmon and steelhead are restored to healthy and harvestable population levels. The Columbia Basin Partnership has assessed that the annual average total Columbia River run of natural fish plus hatchery origin fish could increase from 2.3 million to approximately 8.0 million fish. Healthy fish populations should provide diverse and dependable Tribal and non-Tribal harvest and fishing opportunities. Producing hatchery salmon and steelhead supports conservation, mitigate for lost natural production, and supporting fisheries to strategically aligns hatchery production with natural production recovery goals. The Work Group is developing recommendations that will build on solutions that will contribute to healthy and harvestable fish populations in the Basin. A roster of work group members is here.
Upcoming Meetings
The Hatcheries/Harvest Work Group is currently paused. Please contact Sarah Davidson ( if you are interested in observing future meetings.
Past Meetings
Below please find the meeting materials from the Hatcheries/Harvest Work Group Meetings:
Meeting Date | Materials |
June 13, 2023 | Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Summary |
March 21, 2023 | Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Summary |
February 23, 2023 | Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Summary |
January 20, 2023 | Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Summary |
December 9, 2022 | Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Summary |
November 1, 2022 | Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Summary |
September 30, 2022 | Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Summary |