Official Government Website

Predation Work Group

Reducing predation is an important factor to encourage smolt-to-adult survival. Predation impacts vary depending on fish life stages but are significant for certain stocks and dependent on habitat conditions. Predation is a natural source of mortality on both juvenile and adult salmonids and increased rates of predation can offset benefits of other system survival improvements. The main predators of concern include birds (Caspian terns, double-crested cormorants, and gulls), pinnipeds (California and Stellar sea lions), and fish (Northern pikeminnow, smallmouth bass, and walleye).

There are several challenges to reducing predation, including human activities and development that contribute to favorable habitat conditions for predators. The Predation Work Group is working to assess challenges and develop solutions that would help diminish predation impacts from manageable predators. A roster of work group members is here. The group meets every six weeks via Zoom Webinar. 

Upcoming Predation Meeting

The Predation Work Group is current paused. Please contact Sarah Davidson ( if you are interested in observing future workgroup meetings.

Past Predation Meetings

Below please find the meeting materials from previous Predation Work Group Meetings:

Meeting DateMaterials
October 3, 2023Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
August 16, 2023Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
June 7, 2023Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
March 27, 2023Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
March 1, 2023Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
January 27, 2023Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
December 6, 2022Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
November 3, 2022Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
September 28, 2022Agenda, PowerPoint Slides, Meeting Summary
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